The IAAC program Open Thesis Fabrication 2017-18 (OTF) proposes to design and construct 1:1 architectural elements that take advantage of the latest computational tools, additive manufacturing process and the great thermodynamic properties of adobe to achieve a passive performative system for a bioclimatic architecture.
(check the Program here)
In the first phase (September – December) the program was based on three lines of exploration: Design Studio, Techné and Scientific Research. The research lines provided design, technical en engineering skills to the students, who worked in 3 groups exploring the design potential as well as the structural and environmental properties of the material and then systematizing their knowledge in a scientific paper.
The results were presented on Tuesday 5th December 2018
In the studio, groups of 3 students worked on the design of a passive habitat constructed with clay printing in three different contexts: the dense urban environment of the Barceloneta and theValldaura natural park in Spain, as well as the emergency housing situation of the Kakura refugee camp in Kenya.